Deterministic homogenization for fast-slow systems with chaotic noise

J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017) 4063-4102.

David Kelly and Ian Melbourne

Abstract Consider a fast-slow system of ordinary differential equations of the form

x'=a(x,y)+ε-1b(x,y), y'=ε-2g(y),

where it is assumed that b averages to zero under the fast flow generated by g. We give conditions under which solutions x to the slow equations converge weakly to an Itô diffusion X as ε→0. The drift and diffusion coefficients of the limiting stochastic differential equation satisfied by X are given explicitly.

Our theory applies when the fast flow is Anosov or Axiom A, as well as to a large class of nonuniformly hyperbolic fast flows (including the one defined by the well-known Lorenz equations), and our main results do not require any mixing assumptions on the fast flow.

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