Ian Melbourne's Preprint List
I. Melbourne, J. Rademacher, B. Rink and S. Zelik.
Quasicrystals in pattern formation. Part II: Spatially almost-periodic profiles and global existence.
Preprint, January 2025.
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I. Melbourne, J. Rademacher, B. Rink and S. Zelik.
Quasicrystals in pattern formation, Part I: Local existence and basic properties.
Preprint, October 2024. Updated February 2025.
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D. Coates, I. Melbourne and A. Talebi.
Natural measures and statistical properties of non-statistical maps with multiple neutral fixed points.
Preprint, July 2024.
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V. Biktashev and I. Melbourne.
St. Petersburg paradox for quasiperiodically hypermeandering spiral waves.
Preprint, April 2020.
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P. Ashwin and I. Melbourne.
Dynamics on unbounded domains; co-solutions and inheritance of stability.
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